Hi, my name is Molly Winchester (not really, just go with it). Next week I'm starting an "Everything You Need To Know About" blog series. On Mondays I shall post a new riveting installment, and we'll cover everything from:
Shipping to SuperWhoLock
Head Cannon to Cannon
Feels to Emotions
And why The Padafandom (fans of Jared Padalecki) hates Justin Bieber (besides the
I am a SuperWhoLock fangirl.
What is SuperWhoLock you say?
Well, short answer: Insanity.
Long answer...
L-R: Moriarty/Andrew Scott (Sherlock), The Tenth Doctor/David Tennant (Doctor Who),
The Ninth Doctor/Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who), Castiel/Misha Collins (Supernatural),
Sherlock/Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles (Supernatural),
Sam Winchester/Jared Padalecki (Supernatural), John Watson/Martin Freeman (Sherlock),
Captain Jack Harkness/John Barrowman (Doctor Who and Torchwood),
The Eleventh Doctor/Matt Smith (Doctor Who). |
Yep, I'm probably crazy but,
Hehehe love the Alice reference. Welcome to the world of blogging, I can't wait to see what you come up with!