(Pic from here, edit by me, white hot rage also by me) |
As of late, I've been watching Z Nation. I like it. I'm not usually into the whole zombie thing, but this one is good. I started watching for DJ Qualls... But honestly? I'm staying for 10K.
He's my apocalypse boo.
The Facebook-a-sphere has been alluding to 10K+Cassandra=canon ship. This makes me the opposite of happy. And before you get all, "She just doesn't want him to be in a ship because that means that she can't have him"-y, I give unto you an example:
Dean and Jo. Before Cas came about, I was a Dean girl. And yet, I could look past my feels for Dean and wish him something better. Something blonde and Jo named. I want what is best for these people, even if it circumvents my own interests.
Now, I give unto you some of the reasons this 10K-Cassandra ship is a horrible idea.
1. Cassandra is a cannibal. She has eaten people bacon.
People bacon.
2. Cassandra is a whore. She has had sex for money and the
people bacon.
3. The age difference. We don't really know how old they are, but I'm assuming 10K is about 16-17, and Cassandra is
at least 23. Any doing of the do would be a felony.
4. 10K is nice. Cassandra is not.
5. Cassandra is stoopid. No zombie is gonna try and fix your blanket. Idjit.
6. 10K can do better.
7. 10K deserves better than Cassandra von PeopleBacon.
8. Cassandra stayed in the cult. Yeah, she left eventually, but she should have left the second she found out what was going on.
9. Cassandra already has a taste for human flesh. Can you imagine how dangerous a Z that would make?
10. Cassandra is very closed off. No way you can be in an open and honest relationship like that.
11. What would the ship name even be? CassandK? #NOPE
12. I want a girl for 10K who could take him in a fight. And possibly win. Cassandra is wimpy.
13. Someone's dying next ep. My money is on People Bacon. For literary reasons, development of plot, and blah blah blah. Why ship the Titanic?
I really think Cassandra is gonna die. I do. They won't kill off Citizen Z, Mack or Addy; Murphy is kinda the point of the show; Charlie is the leader, and they came
this close to killing off Roberta last ep. 10K would be really hard to kill, and they killed one dog already. That leaves Cassandra. Sorry, not sorry.
We'll see what happens Friday. *crosses fingers and hope she dies*